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News story: Wan-an Drill No. 41(4)

Today, something called the "Wan-an 41 air raid drill" took place between 1:30 PM and 2 PM. I was on campus when it happened. At the time, I wanted to go out to grab some water at the 7/11. But when I went out, I was surprised to see that no one was outside and a policeman came to me to order to get back inside. I did not undersood what was happening so I looked for more informations to get what was happening. It is an evacuation of the entire northern Taiwan (including Hsinchu and Yilan) organized by the military force. The city government will also take this opportunity to conduct its first ever emergency response exercise for telecommunication infrastructures based on a bomb attack scenario.

During the drill, pedestrians and vehicles at outdoor areas should follow the instructions of police, military, and evacuation personnel to seek shelter and vacate the roads. Those indoors should shut all windows and doors, turn off power and gas, and comply with regulations under the Civil Defense Act.

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