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Social Rituals: Meals (2)

Taiwanese breakfast

As my aunt who lives in Hong Kong came to visit me, we decided to get a typical taiwanese breakfast. It is composed of hot soy milk (dou jiang), baked wheat cake with egg ( shao bing jia dan), green onion pancake with egg (cong you bing jia dan), a fried twisted cruller (you tiao) and salted tofu pudding (dou hua). It was really good but also really big (I ate it around 10 am and started being hungry again around 5pm). Taiwanese are used to eat a salty breakfast. They eat it during the same period of time as french people (7 to 9 am).

Lunch is also during the same period of time as in France (12pm-1pm). A proper meal only include a big plat (there is no starter nor dessert).

However, the dinner here starts quite early: around 6pm. Sometime during the week, taiwanese are eating in night market (not every night because most of the food is not really healthy). There are about 14 famous night markets in Taipei and my favourite one is called Raohe Street Night Market (2 min from Songshan station on the green line).

I noticed that here, meals are all about sharing. That's why people often order different things and everyone is trying a little bite of everything.

Taiwanese night market
Bun filled with red beans

Here are plats that taiwanese eat in their everyday lives: stinky tofu, beef noodle, bubble teas, fried rice, buns

filled with red beans paste,

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