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The Confucius Temple of Taipei (5)

Today was rainy so I decided to go in Datong district and to explore the Confucius Temple (where I had never been before). It was really peacefull. This temple was first built in 1879. Confucius was a famous chinese teacher, editor, politician and philosopher from 771 to 256 BC. His way of teaching and of thinking has led to Confucianism. The main pillars of this philosophy are morality, correctness in social relationships, justice and sincerity.

Before leaving the temple, I saw a cow statue that had some quotes of Confucius on papers on its back. So I pick one that says:

"Knowing it is not as good as licking it; liking it is not as good as finding joy it."

I will try to apply this little quote to the rest of my journey in Taipei and to find joy in all my discovery (pleasant and unpleasant).

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